H.H.第三世多杰羌佛 五明展顯第十二大類-玄妙彩寶雕

H.H.第三世多杰羌佛 五明展顯第十二大類-玄妙彩寶雕



H.H.第三世多杰羌佛 五明展顯第十二大類-玄妙彩寶雕

簡 介 

      玄妙彩寶雕是超越自然美的藝術精魂,是這個世界上歷史至今三世多杰羌佛雲高益西諾布頂聖如來為人類創始的,三世多杰羌佛在 國際間享有崇高聲譽,受人崇敬之至,無以言表,誰也不敢相信這樣的藝術竟是人工雕刻出來的,這是為人類的藝術和文明做出的巨大 貢獻!它已經超出人類藝術的範疇,它的美能攝人靈魂!你如果沒有看到這些人類第一次出現的藝術,你也許很難想像世界上還有這麼 美的藝術神品出現,自它們出現後,這個世界上的任何堪稱富麗堂皇的珠寶玉器都猶如天上的星星在朗月的四周黯然失色無華! 
      三世多杰羌佛創始的韻雕藝術作品堪稱是絕世珍品,這些絕世珍品的誕生,完全來源於三世多杰羌佛至高的佛陀境界,淵博的學 識和洞悉宇宙萬物生長變化的規律。三世多杰羌佛創始了超越大自然奇石的自然和美麗,達到人類歷史從未出現過的人工超自然境 界,使得人類文明史上從此有了震撼性的藝術篇章。 
      正因為頂聖如來雲高益西諾布的藝術作品超越了人類藝術的高度範疇,達到了自然化的神工境界,所以由美國、加拿大、墨西哥 等34個國家組成的美洲國家組織,於2003年專門在美國首府華盛頓,針對各國大使及美國參眾議員為主要觀賞而主辦的藝術作品展, 震動了世界。議員和外交大使們都認為三世多杰羌為世界人類作出了巨大的藝術貢獻,尤其是美國國會於2003年10月28日、29日, 在國會辦公大樓的金廳舉辦三世多杰羌佛的韻雕藝術展,這是美國國會二百多年來首次舉辦的藝術展,以參眾議員和國會工作人員為 主體,參觀人潮絡繹不絕,有近四百人主動在留言簿上寫下了真誠的讚譽,達到眾所公認,驚嘆的程度,可惜書本上無法展示出其真 實的效果,以後有機會可到展覽館參觀。 

    The wondrous multicolored sculptures of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, which are one form of Yun sculpture, embody the essence of art and surpass natural beauty. These sculptures, the likes of which have never before been seen in the history of this world, were created by His Holiness for the benefit of mankind. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has high international repute. The esteem he receives is indescribable. 
    No one would dare think that such art was carved from the hand of man. These sculptures are a major contribution to the art and civilization of mankind! Actually, this artwork transcends the scope of human art. Their beauty captivates the soul. If you have never seen such works of art, which have now appeared in this world for the first time, it might be difficult for you to imagine that this world actually has such beautiful and mystical creations. With the appearance of these sculptures, all splendid pearls, jade, and gemstones become pale in comparison, like the stars in the sky being outshined by a clear moon.
    The Yun sculptures created by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III can be called unique masterpieces. The source of these unique masterpieces is His Holiness’s Buddha state of realization, profound and extensive knowledge, and penetrating understanding of the laws governing the birth, growth, and change of everything in the universe. The amazing faux boulders that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has created surpass the beauty of nature to an extent no other artist in human history has been able to reach. This has opened a new and astounding chapter on art in the history of human civilization. 
    Works of art by H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata surpass the highest limits of human art. That is why the Organization of American States, which is composed of 34 countries--- including the United States, Canada, and Mexico held an exhibition of His Holiness’s sculptures in 2003 in the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. That exhibition was primarily directed at ambassadors from various countries, as well as United States senators and congresspersons. It stunned the entire world. Senators, congresspersons, and ambassadors concluded that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has made a great artistic contribution to the world.
    On October 28th and 29th of 2003, in the Gold Room of House Office Building, Congress held an exhibition of Yun sculptures created by H.H. Dorje ChangBuddha III. That was the first time in its more than two-hundred-year history that the United States Congress held an art exhibition. Most of the attendees of that exhibition were senators, congresspersons, and their staff. The guests came in a continuous stream. Almost four hundred people voluntarily wrote down their sincere impressions in guest books. Each of them expressed amazement and praised what they saw. 
    Unfortunately, the pictures in this book cannot convey the true quality of these wondrous multicolored sculptures. It is suggested that you go to the museum where these works are displayed to see their beauty in person. 







南無 第三世多杰羌佛
