多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來再次來到這個世界上,其崇高的道德、五明智慧都是找不到第二個聖者能與之相提並論的,這也是大家都知道的。至於常被人們引以為奇的聖境界,在雲高益西諾布頂聖如來的身邊更是隨時隨地都發生的,我們隨侍在三世多杰羌佛 的身邊久了,看得太多了,往往對這些聖境都習以為常、甚至有些麻木了。但是,我在這裡要說的兩個事情,不是因為都跟我本人有關,而是直接牽涉到娑婆世界所有眾生的福報因緣。
第一件發生在1999年7月30號的下午,大概是下午四點多鐘的時候,由於因緣的變化,三世多杰羌佛決定離開中國,但當時不便公開,因此只有我一個人陪著三世多杰羌佛站在深圳市羅湖區美景大廈南座大門外的花崗石砌成的台階上,等司機開車過來送三世多杰羌佛去機場。突然,我的身體被搖了一下,後面的三十層樓高的美景大廈也搖晃起來,只聽見固定在花崗石基座上的很粗重的路燈的玻璃罩都被搖晃得『咯咯咯』的作響,持續了幾十秒鐘之久。我立刻警覺到大地震動了,但是當時我的心情非常沉重,所以我沒有說話。過了一會 兒,三世多杰羌佛問了一句:『是大地震動了嗎?』我也只是很簡短地回答了一個字:『是。』三世多杰羌佛面無表情,他老人家深深知道樓房不會被地震震垮的,因為這是佛法大事因緣所成的大地震動。
第二件事很巧,就發生在我這一生第一次拜見多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來的當天。從那天開始有一個連續很多天的大法會,三世多杰羌佛為各種根基、因緣不同的眾生開示《僧俗辯語》和 《余如是鑒》。在法會開始之前,由黃輝邦老人向大家敘述三世多杰羌 佛當天為他作加持的經過。黃輝邦老人是中國著名的大德,時任江西省佛教協會副主席,被稱為『江西活佛』。老人自從早年在日本留學時接觸佛法,便虔心向佛,七十多年來,不僅長齋長素,而且可以說手不離經書,一生追求佛法的虔誠與堅韌令人感動。在將近九十高齡之際,他仍孤身一人攜帶經書赴西藏求法,晉美彭措如意寶法王深為感動,告訴他:你的善根太深厚了,應該到多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來處學習更高深的佛法,並密語告訴他三世多杰羌的地方。
A Narration for Which I Am Willing to Bear Any Karmic Retribution
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata has come to this world again. Everyone knows that there is no other holy person in this world whose noble moral character and Five Vidyas wisdom can compare with those of His Holiness. Holy states that people often regard as extraordinary constantly occur when one is at the side of H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata. We attendants have seen so many holy states over the long course of time we have been attending upon His Holiness that we often become accustomed to seeing these holy states. We even have felt somewhat numb or indifferent to such states. However, I would now like to narrate two events. I am not narrating these events because they are related to me but because they are directly related to the good fortune of all living beings in this earthly realm.
The first event occurred after about 4:00 in the afternoon on July 30, 1999. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III had decided to leave China because the karmic conditions had changed. However, this decision could not be made public. Thus, I alone accompanied H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III as His Holiness stood on the granite steps outside the South Block of the Meijing Tower located in the Luohu District of Shenzhen City. We were waiting for the driver to arrive in order to take H.H. Dorje Chang BuddhaIII to the airport. Suddenly, something caused my body to shake for a moment. The thirty-story Meijing Tower that was behind me also began to shake. I heard the sound of the shaking glass that covered the streetlights. Those thick and heavy light-poles were solidly embedded in the granite foundation. That sound lasted a few dozen seconds. I immediately realized that the earth was quaking, but I did not say anything because I felt very heavy-hearted at the time.
After a little while, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III asked me, “Did the earth just quake?” I tersely responded with the single word, “Yes.” The face of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was expressionless. His Holiness knew very well that the building would not collapse due to the earthquake since it was this great karmic event in Buddhism that caused the earth to quake.
The sutras state that the earth quakes when a Buddha comes into the world and when a Buddha passes away. However, at the time, I did not realize the important meaning that earthquake portended. Only later did I understand: Those living beings in the west will have the good fortune to learn the true Buddha-dharma!
The second event was very fortuitous. It happened on the same day I first met H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata. A large dharma assembly that would last many consecutive days started on that day. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was going to expound the meaning of the works A Monk Expounds the Absolute Truth to a Layperson and This Is My View. That discourse was to be given for the benefit of living beings, no matter what their innate capacities or karmic conditions were. Before the Dharma Assembly began, the then elderly Huibang Huang recounted for everyone what he experienced that day when H.H. DorjeChang Buddha III empowered (blessed) him. The elderly Huibang Huang was a famous and highly virtuous person in China. At the time, he was the vice-chairman of the Jiangxi Province Buddhism Association and was called “Jiangxi Rinpoche.” He had devoted himself to Buddhism since his early years when he encountered the Buddha-dharma while studying abroad in Japan. For more than seventy years, he had maintained a vegetarian diet and had incessantly studied the sutras. The devotion and tenacity with which he pursued the Buddha-dharma over his entire life is inspiring. At the advanced age of almost ninety, he still went to Tibet alone to seek the dharma, carrying with him Buddhist sutras. H.H. Wish Fulfilling Jewel Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok was deeply moved by this and told him, “Your good roots are extremely deep. You should go to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata to learn higher Buddha-dharma.” He also privately told Huibang Huang where H.H. Dorje ChangBuddha III was.
The elderly Huibang Huang recounted for everyone the following. On that day, he ate the food of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III had invoked the Buddhas and Boddhisattvas to bestow for him. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III also told him that his wish would be fulfilled, that he would be allowed to see a Buddha. Right when he was about to see a Buddha, the elderly Huibang Huang suddenly said that he would rather see a dharma protecting deity. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III then casually called forth such a deity. In an instant, a dharma protecting deity suddenly appeared out of nowhere right in front of Huibang Huang. That deity was as massive as an iron pagoda and was wearing a black helmet and black armor covering its entire body. It roared thunderously. There was no time for Huibang Huang to respond, so he simply fell to the ground. (There is a tape recording of the elderly Huibang Huang recounting this event.)
Everyone should think about this. Who else could casually call forth a dharma protecting deity, and that dharma protecting deity will thereby instantly appear? Of course, only a Buddha has such powerful virtue!
The two events that I have stated above are true. If I spoke falsely and deceived everyone, I will receive all evil karmic retribution. On the contrary, since everything that I stated is true, may all things go smoothly for me; may all living beings hear the true Buddha-dharma of H.H. Dorje ChangBuddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata; may the good fortune and wisdom of all living beings grow; and may all living beings attain liberation from the cycle of reincarnation!
Buddha’s disciple Long Zhi Tanpe Nyima
November 15, 2007