頂聖如來的聖量 松鼠獻酪梨給三世多杰羌佛





      公元二零零零年四月二十六日下午,隆智(即丹瑪.翟芒尊者第二世──編者注,下同)與覺海陪同多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來在居舍法壇妙游池邊,此時三世多杰羌佛指著一株酪梨樹(英文 為:avocado)說:「這樹上的果我一直都想給大家嚐一下。」隨後,三世多杰羌佛命隆智去找一個摘水果的果鉤,結果找了一圈,空手而回,眼看著樹上的酪梨不能到手,此時三世多杰羌佛說:「我們一定要用這個酪梨。」話音剛落,從蒼古的青松樹上下來了一隻絳黃色的松鼠,三世多杰羌佛說:「你們不要趕牠,牠來幫忙的。」這時松鼠在樹上開始查找酪梨,由於酪梨類似於樹葉的形體色彩,松鼠施展多種技能,包括飛騰、懸勾、倒掛,將稀少的酪梨從綠色的樹葉中一個個分辨出來,然後一個個摘下來,不到十分鐘,摘到第六個時,佛陀上師說已經夠了,隆智傳話說:「松鼠!你辛苦了!你的供養功德無量,不要再摘了。」松鼠聽聞後,趴在橫枝上,兩眼盯住三世多杰羌佛,將前掌合掌恭敬,一動不動。此六個酪梨即是松鼠當時摘下來的供養三世多杰羌佛的供品。






      I n the afternoon of April 24th, 2000, disciple Long Zhi,1 and Juehai walked along the swimming pool with H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata in the outer area of the mandala. H.H. DorjeChang Buddha III pointed to an avocado tree and said, “I want everyone to try the fruits.” So H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III told Long Zhi to get a fruit catcher. Long Zhi looked around and didn’t find one. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said, “We have to pick some avocados.” Right after H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III spoke these words, a brown squirrel came down from an old pine tree. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III told everyone, “Don’t chase the squirrel away. It came to help.” 

      The squirrel climbed up the avocado tree and started looking for avocados. It started to use all of its skills by jumping from branch to branch, hanging upside down, and sometimes holding on to a branch with just one paw to locate the avocados. It was hard to see the green avocados amongst the very bushy green leaves. But the squirrel was able to distinguish them and delivered the avocados one by one. In less than ten minutes, the squirrel delivered six avocados. H.H. Buddha Master said that was enough. So Long Zhi told the squirrel: “Hey, squirrel, you have been working hard. Your offering has built up plenty of merit. It is enough.” The squirrel stopped and stayed on the branch. It looked at H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III with both paws held together. These six avocados were offerings to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III by the squirrel. 

      When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was about to leave, the squirrel did one prostration in front of the Buddha Master and slowly departed. Since then, the nuns who live at the holy mandala watch squirrels climbing on the avocado tree but never see the avocados being picked anymore as offerings. 

      Dragon fish stood up on the water to show their respect for His Holiness. Animals offered fruits to His Holiness. Cases like these can hardly be found among other dharma kings and eminent monks in history. The story of the squirrel offering six avocados to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III recorded by Long Zhi and Juehai is totally true. If it is not true, we will be responsible for all resulting bad karma. If it is true, the merits will be dedicated to all living beings in the six realms of reincarnation. May they be able to listen to true Buddha-dharma from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. 

Long Zhi




南無 第三世多杰羌佛
