還記得是在2003年6月1日這一天,我將一些尚未打開的紙包拿出來整理,想將頭髮洗一洗,因為頭髮很細,我特別用過濾網裝起,浸在水裏,就看到有三顆圓潤的紅色小珠子在其間,因所有過程是我自己經手,沒有碰觸過任何其他物件,我深感奇怪,哪裡跑來的紅珠子?想用手指按按看,這小珠子是軟的還是硬的?還拿了一個放大鏡仔細來瞧瞧,忽然腦中一念,這會不會是舍利?我這樣做就太不恭敬了!趕緊將那三顆小珠子,裝在一個白色的小盒子內,拿去請示三世多杰羌佛:「請問這是什麼東西?」佛陀上師說:「妳從哪裡得來的?這個是舍利啊!」然後修法持咒,確定這是真正的舍利,我稟告佛陀上師,這是包在紙內,佛陀上師剪下的頭髮中出現的,之後,佛陀上師特別開示:「這應該說是眾生的福報和因緣,無論是怎麼來的,或是佛菩薩加持的也好,同學們怎麼想其實都不重要,它會無中生有來,就會無中生有去,重要的是我們每一個人自我的修行問題,要依教合法。」當晚,我小心翼翼地將這三顆紅色的舍利,裝在一個蓋的很緊密的西藏小盒內,上面墊了一些白棉花。第二天,有位同學 想請去看看,我想把舍利換裝在一個新買的水晶瓶內,當我打開小盒子一看,怎麼只有兩顆呢?我沒有再觸碰過任何其他物件啊!棉花被我一絲絲地撕開、撕爛,就是只看到兩顆,真令人懊惱!它印證了三世多杰羌佛先前所言:「它會無中生有而來,無中生有而去!」我也曾聽過一位師姐親見過佛陀上師的身上掉下舍利,這次自己能夠親眼見到,真是無限殊勝祥瑞。以上所說,如有任何假話,願遭一切惡報,確是真實不虛,願眾生得聞多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來的法義,了脫生死,福慧增長。
佛弟子 宣慧
Hair Sariras (1)
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata usually cuts His own hair. However, there have been several times when I respectfully accompanied His Holiness to a barber shop. Each time, out of respect, after other people’s hair on the floor was swept away and the floor was cleaned, the haircut began. When the cut was finished, I would respectfully gather the Buddha Master’s hair from the floor and wrap it carefully with paper. I would then place it on my Buddhist altar when I got back home. Gradually, I have been collecting and keeping some of the hair.
I still remember what happened on June 1, 2003. On that day, I took out several unopened paper packs and organized them, intending to wash the hair. Because the individual hairs were very fine, I had paid special attention and placed them on a screen. While soaking them in water, I saw three small round red beads among the hair. The entire cleaning process was handled by me, and I did not touch anything else during that time. I felt this to be very strange and wondered where those red beads came from. I intended to press them with my finger to see if they were hard or soft and even took a magnifying glass to carefully exam them. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. Could they be sariras? I realized if I did this, it would be too disrespectful.
Hurriedly, I placed the three small beads in a small white box and took them to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to inquire of their origin. I asked, “May I know what these things are?” The Buddha Master said, “Where did you get these? These are sariras!” Afterwards, the Buddha Master practiced dharma and chanted mantras to prove the authenticity of those sariras. I reported to the Buddha Master that they were wrapped in paper and appeared from the cut hair of His Holiness.
Later, the Buddha Master gave us a special discourse in which His Holiness stated, “This has happened because of conditions and the level of fortune of all sentient beings. It does not matter where they come from. Perhaps they originated from the empowerment of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. It actually does not matter what the disciples think concerning how or where they come from. If they can appear out of nothing, then they can disappear out of nothing. The important thing is the cultivation of each one of us and the need to live in accordance with the teachings and abide by the principles of Buddhism.”
That night, I carefully placed those three red sariras in a small tightly covered Tibetan box and cushioned them with white cotton. The next day, a fellow disciple requested to view them. I thought about placing the sariras in a crystal bottle that I had just bought. When I opened the small box and looked inside--how could it be that there were only two sariras left? I did not touch any other things anymore! I shredded and tore the cotton, but could only find two sariras. It was really upsetting! This proves and corresponds to what H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III previously expounded: “If they can appear out of nothing, then they can disappear out of nothing.” I once heard a sister personally attested to the fact that sariras fell off of the Buddha Master. This time, I personally witnessed such an occurrence myself. It is truly an extremely wonderful and auspicious sign.
All that I have said above is true and authentic. If there are any false statements, may I suffer all evil retribution. If they are real facts, may living beings be able to receive the dharma teachings of H.H. Dorje ChangBuddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata, be liberated from the cycle of life and death, and gain wisdom and good fortune.
Buddhist disciple,
Hsuan Hu
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